Monday, October 15, 2012

Cleaned Out My Knife Drawer...

12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.

First of all, I must speak about the powers of the Internets!  Tonight, Tyler and I watched the first episode of season 3, Walking Dead, via the Internets tonight.  And although I hated the commercials, it gave a chance to Skype chat about it.  It felt like we were on Mystery Science Theater  ha ha.  All of a sudden the kid's grown up, hunting walkers, but I still had the urge to say, "Who's watching the kid?"  And the prego, cheater wife is still being a Beeeyotch!  It was amazing though.

My Blog Angel:  I was dying to find out who my angel was.  And I finally found out.  It's Alejandra @ Army Wife, Mommy Life.  She has been commenting on my posts and being so sweet as my angel.  Can't wait to get to know her more, now that it's all out in the open.


Army Wife, Mommy Life

A Day in My Current Life:  

7am (or earlier if I feel motivate) -- wake up and drag my butt to the shower, after resetting the alarm several times.  Each ten minutes makes me feel more and more guilty but more and more like I'm ready to face the world.
8am -- Get to work.  Each of my days is different.  Right now I'm overseeing roofers, mechanical contractors, electricians, and various other engineers and vendors.  I'm installing a boiler and converting a garage into a boiler room.  So I'm project managing that project, in addition to several other small ones.  I also keep up on day to day things that are going on in the plant.  Help maintenance and operations out where I can.  I sometimes eat lunch and sometimes don't.  My favorite is when I get to meet up with my old coworkers from Continental Mills and go have a good lunch.  
5pm -- Head home.
6pm -- In an ideal world, I'd be working out:)  I've been slacking lately.  So I pretty much blog, do some chores, cuddle the cat, and get sucked into Vampire Diaries.  It's my latest obsession.  I don't have cable, so I've been choosing series that I can get on Netflix.
9pm-11pm --  Whoops forgot to eat in that time period.  To be honest since my ex-boyfriend moved out, I forget to eat until late.  And then I cook something quick.  I sometimes read before bed, but that is only if I can pull myself away from Vampire Diaries.  I get so into the shows I'm watching and how can you resist just one more episode.  Then I go to bed whenever I have the willpower to do so.  I have a real problem, I'm not a morning person and at 9pm I become awake.  It's bad news, a viscous cycle.

5 Weaknesses:
  1. Going out and being social, if I get invited, I'll go. Doesn't matter what my budget is, what I have to do at home or when I need to go home, I still will go.
  2. I have a weakness for my niece.  She can pretty much get me to do anything.
  3. Speaking in front of a large group, but I'm always getting better.  Not stupid enough to sign up for toastmasters, that is for sure.  I'll practice in real life scenarios.
  4. Helping good friends and family.  I will put my own needs aside to help my friends and family. 
  5. Good food and drinks!  Spare no expense or calories when it comes to delectable food and drinks.
Oh almost forgot what my title was about, bwahaha.  That would've been mean of me.  So, I can manage to cut myself doing dishes even if three is not knife, cheese grater, tongs, fork.  It's a curse.  Almost 75% of the time when I cut onions or limes, I cut myself.  So tonight, I was putting away dishes and realized I have too many knives and ones that I despise even touching.  So I was cleaning out the crappy ones and within minutes grabbed in the drawer and one of my newer ones sliced into me.  I was bleeding through two band aids.  It was ridiculous, but totally expected.  The moral is, I'm clumsy and shouldn't be trusted around knives.  But, what am I supposed to do when I live alone?  

Love you all long time!  I just really appreciate my readers.

What are one of your weaknesses that you're willing to admit?
Any advice on how I should stop myself from getting cut, besides not using knives?