Amazing Friends
Well, I've been down in the dumps lately, just feeling down. I can explain a lot of it, but it still was quite unexpected since I've been very happy and having the time of my life lately. And when I was down, I was quickly reminded how amazing my life is and how I should be quite happy. I have amazing friends; I'm so lucky. Tyler had flowers sent to my work and of course they had lilies in them, my favorite. I've actually only had flowers sent to me at work by my mom, with the exception of a guy after a first date (but he was a loser). When I went to pick them up from the receptionist, I assumed that they were from mom. It was super exciting to see that they were from Tyler, and although my face turned red, I was overjoyed.
The day just got better from there. I opened the door and there was Melissa with all of my favorite beverages. I would have been happy with just hanging with her, but I got 4 bonuses, ha ha.
My woe is me attitude sure didn't last long!
Hanging with the Johnson brothers! Had an amazing Mexican dinner and bar-hop night with Daylon and Derrick.
Catching Up
Melissa invited me to join her for her work holiday party, which happened to be my old company. I actually still have a good relationship with a lot of the my old coworkers, so I was pretty excited. They mixed it up this year and threw it at a bowling alley; which made it super casual. We had to come adorned in our favorite sports gear. We searched up and down for Sounders jerseys but they're all pretty scarce. We ended up getting Husky gear, which is great since I am a Husky. I had such a great time visiting with people, even some that I wasn't that close with when I worked there There was one exception, and that was the "wicked witch of the pancakes." I went over to this woman to say hi, be cordial, since we used to work in the same department. She snubbed me so hardcore; I don't think anyone has been that rude to me before. I mean, I guess I shouldn't have expected anything different, but I still get really shocked when I'm treated poorly.

Tyler and my mom were our designated drivers, how sweet is that. They picked us up and of course it was after party time.
Massage Time
Okay pervs, no you're not getting a picture:) Ha ha. I've been having this terrible neck situation, which is completely linked to stress. So I decided today was time for a massage, cause last time I had something similar the doctor couldn't help me. It was a pretty decent massage today, with the exception of a skipping cd. I always have weird situations though, I must tell you. One lady kept whispering in my ear, "I'm going to make you feel good", "just relax, leave yourself in my hand." It was so freaking creepy!!! Another lady, totally straddled me and massaged my hands really weird, like she was holding them. Massages are amazing, but there is something so awkward about stripping down and having somebody caressing you. The massages on the beach in Mexico are a lot more low key. Although there is the awkward moment when you have to pull your swimsuit down out in the open on the beach; so worth it.